WAYS TO Connect


During the summer months, we fire up the grill for a time of food, games, and fellowship with our church family and the neighborhood community. Everyone is welcome, 6-7:30 in the church parking lot. We will continue with our Community Cookouts outdoors throughout September (weather permitting) and begin our Wednesday Night Meal & Bible Study in October.


Join us for a time of fellowship over dinner every Wednesday night at 6:30. Volunteers and interested guests are encouraged to join us in the prayer room from 5:30-6:20 pm for a time to focus our hearts on Jesus before serving together.

Women’s Discipleship Group

Mondays from 6 to 7 pm at the church starting 9/11. The purpose of this group is to create a space for women to come together, share what they are going through, discuss where they see God at work in all of it, and pray for one another. Scripture will be incorporated in this time together, but the group will not follow a set Bible study curriculum. Contact Nancy Knox and Virginia Bliek for more information.

Men’s Mornings

Every Tuesday, except on Rest Weeks, at 6 am in the Fellowship Hall.  You can expect to drink coffee, to get out at 7 AM, and to work through books of the Bible verse by verse.  These are wonderful times to wrestle with scripture together and to grow in brotherly love. Contact Pastor Curt for more information.


The Tuesday Women’s Bible Study starts at 10:15 a.m. at the home of Justin Miller and Carolyn Jehner. This fall they will be going through Lifeway Women’s new study “When You Pray”. Contact Debbie Green for more information.

Celebrate Recovery

CR is a biblical and balanced program that helps us overcome our hurts, hang-ups, and habits. It is based on the actual words of Jesus rather than psychological theory.  CR meets every Tuesday at 7 p.m. with a free meal beforehand at 6:30 p.m. Contact Dave & Juanita Hudgens or Justin Mack for more information. Click here for more details.

Adult Sunday School

This year, Sunday School starts a historical interpretation of the book of Revelation. Class starts at 9:15 and goes to 10:15. The first part of the class is foundation, without it you will struggle and missing class will make it more difficult to keep up. You can also join via Zoom if you are unable to make it to class. Register with Greg Sprout by phone (517-388-0508) or email at greg.sprout@gmail.com

Sunday Morning Breakfast

Join us on the 1st Sunday of every month from 9-10 am in the Fellowship Hall for breakfast before the sermon.

IN-HOME Small Groups

In-home small groups will begin in October. The Thursday Night group will continue to meet at the home of Gallant and Emily Fish. We also plan to launch two new small groups on Monday Nights: one at the Tryon’s led by Pastor Curt & the Bertis and one at the Burmeister’s. In-home small groups will meet for 7 weeks and be off for 7 weeks with 3 different sessions: Fall, Winter, & Spring. Contact Alex Harmon (alex@lansingcrossroads.com) if you are interested in joining an in-home small group.